I have been really busy this past week and I am enjoying this busy-ness. I used almost every minute of my day from waking up to going to sleep. Ever since I started this challenge, even though I do not write as often as I set out to do, it has kept me accountable. When I am doing something, I often tell myself that: “You can share this in your blog later”, and that gives me a sense of encouragement and progress.
I do have a lot of drafts that I wrote but felt that it was not substantial enough to publish. Today, I do want to publish, because I want to talk about being busy.
I am recently surrounded by busy people. One of my lab mates is a senior, working on their game development personal project while working as a head teaching assistant and IT support and applying to jobs. Two days ago he did not show up to our lab until almost an hour later. He simply forgot about the lab because he was too stressed and did not even eat anything that day except a banana at 3pm. My other lab mate is a phD student working in two labs. His schedule is packed with daily meetings. When we all meet to work on labs, I sometimes notice him reading research papers when our work is not making progress. Sometimes, we meet outside of labs to write the report, and after those meetings end late at night, one of them would continue to work on their project, and the other would go back to his lab to do more research.
Another friend that I have is a head teaching assistant and research assistant, all while taking intensive CS courses. She is even heavily involved in her dance club, with multiple practices and rehearsals and performances. She does not go to libraries to study - she just studies wherever her classes or work are. Another friend of mine who is taking five Maths classes said that everyday she has to study until 12AM. I rarely see her at social occasions anymore.
I am having a taste of their life, and honestly, it feels great. I can rest in the assurance that I have done my absolute best everyday. And even when there is a day that I slack off, I feel okay because I have made room for the slack. In other words, I have made so much progress in my work the previous days that even if I watch a show for an hour, no deadline is missed. I do not have to fight the intense guilt that this is another day that I do not live up to my potential. The occasional slack is now just occasional, it is no longer a part of my identity. In many ways, this state of being busy has made me more present in moments that I get to relax and rest.
Do I feel that I am not busy enough? Yes, I do. I do feel that I am not busy enough compared to my peers. Some of them sleep less and work more. But the harsh truth is that experience has shown me that I am not built for that lifestyle. I tried to be like them, depriving myself of sleep, but I just ended up with sickness that glued me to my bed for several days. I figured that I would rather have an extra hour of rest everyday than completely wreck several days due to sickness.
Sometimes I also feel like I am not efficient enough. Maybe something takes someone else 30 minutes but would take me 45 minutes to an hour. However, this is the exact kind of mindset that would render me paralyzed and unable to get started on anything because anything I do would never be good enough. I am learning to congratulate my small wins, that the thing is done, albeit imperfectly. I am learning to congratulate that I did it in 45 minutes instead of procrastinating it for 30 minutes then try to scramble everything together in 30 minutes in intense stress and anxiety. I tell myself, any time is better than wasted time.
My bedtime alarm has gone off now. I will see you in the next blog.